"They can run but they can't hide"

"Imagine all the people - - - - - -" you can easily find using our national "Gemfax" services. Give us a name, social security number, last known address and/or employment or any bit of information you have, and we will begin our search!

For a total fee of just $50.00, we will email to our clients a detailed up-to-date summary of facts concerning your missing person. This may include, but is not limited to, home address, phone number, place of employment, marital status, etc. Results may vary. Areas of research are within the United States, including Alaska, Hawaii, and all U.S. territories. If client prefers to receive information by mail, we will provide shipping and handling at no additional cost.

Ask about our multiple rates for private or corporate work - we do it all!

Please Note: Current recipients of State of Nevada TANF (Temporary Assistance For Needy Families) benefits are excluded from this service as a similar service is available to them by the State of Nevada free of charge.


at (702) 221-8269 today!